I really love this song! And I wanted to sing it for a long time… I think it is so optimistic and full of love and hope, it’s amazing!
So while I was in Germany for a couple of concerts and to visit my friends and family I recorded this video in the woods of Schifferstadt/Iggelheim, the garden of my friend Sabine Liebel (with her amazing copper geometries) and the little town in Bavaria where my grandma lives, Dombühl. There, in “Oma’s” house I also recorded the music in the cellar, where my bed is, with my laptop and a studio mic which I took on the trip. I didn’t expect, that my fathers foldable bike, which I feature in this video got such a lot of good response from early viewers because of the dings in the metal and its funny shape. They said, it symbolises that for being happy you don’t need much…
So, I’m happy if it makes you happy! Here it is: